
State Leadership Conference

State Leadership Conference is the culminating leadership event for the California FCCLA. Members throughout California gather to increase their leadership skills, explore career options, compete in the state finals of the Competitive Recognition Events and elect a new team of state officers. Chapter, region and state awards, recognition, and scholarships are presented during the State Meeting. Members return home motivated and inspired to better fulfill their roles in the home, school, and community. Make plans now to be part of the excitement at the State Leadership Conference!

Are you looking for the perfect platform to showcase your products or services to a highly targeted audience? Look no further! Join us as an exhibitor at 2024 CA FCCLA State Leadership Conference and get ready to shine in the spotlight.

Exhibitor Packet

Are you a subject matter expert with valuable insights to share? We invite you to become a workshop presenter at the 2024 CA FCCLA State Leadership Conference and empower attendees with your knowledge and skills.

Workshop Packet

SLC Registration Link - Closed

Registration Closed

STAR Event Overview

STAR Themes

2023-24 STAR Event Themes

Competitive Event Levels:

  • Level 1 - Members through grade 6-8
  • Level 2 - Members in grades 9 and 10
  • Level 3 - Members in grades 11 and 12

* Event is not intended for a Capstone level course
** Event is intended for an Advanced Capstone level course
+ Event advances to the National Leadership Competition

Mixed Level Teams

  • Team Events with only Level 2 or Level 3 may not include members through grade 8.
  • Team events with only Level 3 may not include members through Grade 10.
  • Events that have all three levels can have a mixed team of any level but must enter at the level of the highest participant member’s grade level.