An important component of the California FCCLA leadership program is career development related to Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS). The STAR Events are contests in 23 career-related areas that prepare members of the California FCCLA for the world of work. These events extend classroom learning and give students recognition and a sense of achievement while developing skills for future careers.

Individual, team, and chapter events are offered to students in high school, junior high school, or middle school. Level 3 participants include those in grades 11-12 and ROCP, level 2 participants are in grades 9-10, level 1 participants are in grades 6-8. Members compete at various levels - qualifying, state, and in some cases national finals.

Corporations, institutions and individuals sponsor various events with cash, scholarships and prizes. Each year, students are presented awards that total more than $90,000 in value. Contributors develop a sense of pride in knowing they have become partners with education in preparing students for living and working in the 21st century.

Newly Updated Competitive Events Resources Available on the FCCLA Portal
The Competitive Events Resource section on the FCCLA Portal has been revamped for easier navigation, with resources now organized into clear categories.

Under Resources > Competitive Events and 2024-2025 STAR Events, individual STAR Event Guidelines are available, along with a dedicated Templates and Resources folder containing all current case studies, scenarios, and themes for each event. Past resources have been refreshed, and the full STAR Event Guidelines are now accessible in one file, along with a separate folder for all STAR Events rubrics for comprehensive access.

Interior Design STAR Event Q&A Webinar
FCCLA invites you to join a special Q&A session on the Interior Design STAR Event, led by consultant Natalie Anderson, Job Captain at SAA Interiors + Designs.

During the session, Natalie will offer a comprehensive overview of the event scenario and address any questions participants may have. Advisers will receive Zoom access details closer to the event date.

This informative session will be held via Zoom on November 21, 2024, at 7:00 PM ET.

ZOOM Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 885 4252 5482 
Passcode: 940326

For your information: Natalie Anderson is an FCCLA alumnae and an interior designer based in the Los Angeles Area.  She has presented at our State Leadership Conference and served as an evaluator there also.  She has lots of great information and this is time well spent! This is open to advisors AND students!

2025 FCCLA Region/State STAR Event Online Video

Nearly $1,000,000 is presented to STAR award winners each year … do you want to be involved?

STAR Registration Link - CLOSED

STAR Event Online Orientation Documentation

 docx    45.75 KB    20    admin    5/15/23, 7:46 PM   Download

STAR Permission Form Confirmation

STAR Event Overview

Event Descriptions

STAR Themes

24-2025 STAR Event Themes

Competitive Event Levels:

  • Level 1 - Members through grade 6-8
  • Level 2 - Members in grades 9 and 10
  • Level 3 - Members in grades 11 and 12

* Event is not intended for a Capstone level course
** Event is intended for an Advanced Capstone level course
Demonstration Event at the National Leadership Competition
+ Event advances to the National Leadership Competition

Mixed Level Teams

  • Team Events with only Level 2 or Level 3 may not include members through grade 8.
  • Team events with only Level 3 may not include members through Grade 10.
  • Events that have all three levels can have a mixed team of any level but must enter at the level of the highest participant member’s grade level.

What's New in CA FCCLA

More Information